Land Art - created from nature’s materials
Wild Dunedin — Jan 3, 2022
Wild Dunedin - Earth Day 2022 Land Art Timelapse
For the 2022 Festival environmental artists Martin Hill and Philippa Jones guided the community in the construction of a Wild Dunedin ephemeral work at St Kilda beach, that the tide returned to nature. This time lapse sequence shows the construction over 3 hours.
Martin and Philippa usually travel to remote parts of the world to create their internationally recognised work, but at home they have also worked with groups to produce land art. They work in the environment using earth's natural materials to create beautiful land art to highlight issues regarding our relationship with the environment.
Following are some images and captions from a workshop that Martin and Philippa worked on in a Wanaka wetland with a group of university students from Ohio.

Martin and Philippa were interviewed on RNZ about their life work and their book. It was an opportunity to talk about the purpose behind their art.