Backyard Bird Photography
Dunedin photographer and writer Paul Sorrell writes there are many advantages to photographing wildlife at home.
Rewilding Mahu Whenua Between Arrowtown and Lake Wānaka
Associate Profesor Janice Lord of the University of Otago Botany Dept is a passionate advocate for our native plants. Now as part of Ngā Kākano Whakahau: The Seeds Project, she’s leading a team developing ways to plant native seeds in vast areas of unproductive high country land.
Sir Alan Mark – Wild Hero
Wild Dunedin presented our first Wild Hero Award to Sir Alan Mark in 2019 at Otago Museum. Born in Dunedin and living most of his life here, Sir Alan is a true local hero who has great mana throughout Aotearoa.
Identifying Dunedin's Small Wildlife
Wild Dunedin is lucky to have Samuel Purdie as our bug identifier.
Benefits of Being in Nature
Wild Dunedin encourages people to enjoy nature by walking in the forest, on a beach, in the mountains, in Orokonui Ecosanctuary or just around the Town Belt.
George St Orchard – Rory Harding’s Food Forest
Rory Harding’s spectacular George St Orchard in the heart of Dunedin demonstrates how much food you can grow in 300 square metres.